Fudgy Egg-Free Brownies (i used 9x9x3 in pan)
Allergy note: contains wheat and dairy
- 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract1
- tablespoon honey
- 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 9x13 inch pan with aluminum foil.
- In a heavy saucepan combine the 1/3 cup of flour and water. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until thick. Transfer to a mixing bowl and set aside to cool.
- In a small saucepan, melt butter. When butter has melted, add the oil and cocoa powder; mix until smooth; set aside to cool.
- Beat the sugars, vanilla and honey into the cooled flour mixture.
- Stir in the cocoa mixture until well blended.
- Combine the flour, baking powder and salt, stir into the batter until just blended.
- Spread evenly in the prepared pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with some moist crumbs attached (it's okay if the toothpick looks moist but no wet batter should be clinging to it).
- Cool completely then flip the brownie over to a cutting board. Peel off the aluminum foil and cut the brownie into bars.
KakUmmi...I'm totally upset with U!
Why must U make me drool like this??? hehehehehehe!!
Pls gimme some! Oh no...escape!
Mama pun upset dengan Ummi tau... you deserve a good spanking from me! Pek pek pek... dah spank pun... Cemana nak cuba try test resepi ni... tepung kat rumah dah abis. Nak gi kedai, malas la pulak. Ish Ummi ni, suka susahkan mama la.... hehehe... mesti Ummi cakap, aku share resepi salah, tak share pun salah... hish manusia niiiiii... ahakss...
Love -
Owh ya keee....alalaaa, ciannya dia..Better go to your kitchen now and do something..hahaa
MamaFaMi -
Hehee..haiyooo Ma..lembik pipi kita kena spank dgn Ma...Maleh nk pi kedai, suh tuan kedai hantar tepung ke rumah 2 guni eh..Memangpun, lain kali xnak share laa...tunjuk resepi jek..gambor xyah tunjuk..nnt semua org drooling je kan..hehe
brownie pun nmpak cantik dn gebu!!!
sedapnyaaa...terliur nengok..anyway salam ziarah n kita nk link ummi ye!
Rajinnya kak Ummi...umtung ur hb & kids sentiasa makan sedap2
hehehe.. berpantang sampai 44 hari gak ke Aiman? hehehe... menarik gak resipi kak ummi nie. kurang cikit kolestrol.heheheh :D
auntie ummi..nana nak tnye ni..klau pkai trus je tpung naik sndiri tu blh ke..ke tak jd nti..* tak penah msk brownies..tak reti..hehe*
Ain -
Cantik nombor 2, tp rasanya tetap sedap tau..hehe
Zarin -
Sedap wpun tanpa telor..salam kenal jgk la..thanks sudi link dgn akak..
Ijan -
Hehe..dia pantang bukan 44 hari, 14 hari jek..hahaa...Emm boleh la buat kalu nak maintain bdan tu Ijan oiii..hehe
MizNaNa -
Rasanya xda masalah guna tepung naik sendiri pun, try la dulu..xyah letak baking dah ler, ok la kot..
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