This morning I was so excited...you know why? Oh my God, my daughter Najwa is going to have her SPM result in her hand...She doesn't want any of us to come along and promised us that she will let us know as soon as she got the result. Around 12 pm..thank God, Alhamdulillah, after nervously waiting she did tell us her result. Not bad n quite strong for science stream student...ok laaah (*bukan ulat buku dia ni...), she managed to get 4A, (BM, BI, Agama & Mod. Math), 3B (Sejarah, Add Math & Kimia) and 2C (Fizik & Bio). Actually, I'm not really satisfy with her result..hoping for at least 6A...but i know how tough are nowadays subjects...(*how some of them managed to get 20A straight...huwaaaah, so brilliant ek!)
Previously, she had sent all the IPTA (UPU) or Matrikulasi application forms through internet n now she just has to wait for an offering letter from any IPTAs or Kolej Matrikulasi (Kem. Pendidikan). Me n hubby can only pray for her best of luck in her near future and may success will always be with u my dear!! We love u and will always support you...!! Just be yourself ok! You have a long way more to go, past is past k and take it as a guidance to make ur dreams come true...don't hesitate to ask for our advices if you need so...
tahniah utk najwa...:)
semoga lebih maju jya pd masa akan dtg...
tahniah najwa tahniah jugak tuk mama najwa :)
syukran ummi dah lepas balak 1, kakmOn pun semakin resah ngan anak teruna kat rumah tu, tengsyennye tak abis2, last week dia demam mungkin penat byk attend extra class kut :( harap2 he manage to get 8'O'level ujung taun ni nanti, ameeen 10000x
berbanyak tahniah untuk najwa, semoga bertambah maju untuk masa2 akan datang ya..
tahniah ummi,terima kaseh pd Allah swt.hehe
Ummi, sampaikan salam tahniah to Najwa, i shared same excitement as you're as my niece pun dapat her result yesterday, she managed to get 8A & 2B. Again, tahniah to Najwa... Next year my son pulak...
congrats to najwa..ummi, ok dah tu..panjang lagi perjalanan..muga success selalu..jd pandai mcm mak dia..
Congratulations to your daughter. All the best to her future.
Kalau sapa2 yg kutuk tak puas hati tu, cuba suruh dia pi ambil lagi SPM tgk mcm mana?.....
Manje - tk byak2 bg pihak Najwa..tk juga atas doa, moga dia lebih berjaya nanti..
KakmOn - tk bg pihak Najwa n tuk maknya ni..hehe..puas berleter suh belajar.. This year ada lg sorang la kakmOn...Ummi juga doakan anak kakmOn nnt will get good result with flying colours..insyaAllah..
cikwan - tk sudi doakan najwa..begitulah harapnyaa...
Dayang - emmm syukur alhamdulillah...moga dia lebih berusaha nnti.
shopforshoppers - tk atas doa. Tahniah juga tuk ur niece ek..alhamdulillah..
Jun - itu je lah yang bolehnyaa...tk doakan..
Gert - thanx a lot..may God bless you always...
Mat..aa kalu bagi akak ambil lagi jgn kata paper lain, BM pun lum tentu lg leh dpt A1 now, hehe..thanx mat, alhamdulillah..
Congratulations to Najwa. All the best in your future undertakings ya...
Congrats to your daughter.
Mamafami - tk atas doa tu, insyaAllah may success will always be with her, amiiiinnnn...
Farina - thanx a lot dear! Hai, farina selalu masuk sini ke? Hari ni baru nampak... :))
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