Ini lah dia Blueberry Cake yang Ummi beli...mahalnya...RM48.00?? emm..xyah beli dah la lain kali..tahun depan ntah berapa pulak harganya ek!
Antara makanan yang terhidang..alamak lupa nk close-up KFC tuh!!

Jelly kelapa ni dibawa oleh my sis-in-law...sedapnya..sejuk tekak!!

Aiman with his 4 cousins..hehee..dikelilingi jelitawan eh!
Yesterday I've invited my brother and his family to come over to my house and we celebrated Aiman's mini birthday party at 8.00 pm...I only prepared meehoon goreng, and on the way back from office I bought a bucket of KFC and birthday cake for my dearest promised! Although it was just a small party, he was so happy with his 4 cousins (all girls..heee)...So, layaaann gambar je lah yaa...Yesterday, when he came back from school, he had asked his Abah to accompany him to the nearest shop..he wanted to buy something (apa lagi...mainan laaa...). Yeap! he bought a kind of game called Bidaman (*what is it???, pening kepala...hehee). I think, all kids knew this game very well...apa-apa aja lah Aiman..Was that all you've been thinking for your birthday gift?? Waahaa..lucky he didn't ask PS3 or anything that is more expensive!!
Meriahhh gitu!!!...Kita dulu2, harammm tak de pun buat2 mcm ni.....sedeyy kan, dah lah tu, hari lahir pun dah lepas 2 - 3 hari, baru ingat..ahaks...dasatt kan...Itu pasal i perasan "muda" jeee.....hehehehe...Apa2 pun bertuah aiman dpt bonda mcm kak ummi...(uikk..kembang setaman nampak!!)...amponnn!!!
Belated BDay buat Aiman... Sorry eekkkk lama sungguh auntie tak jalan-jalan siber tau... Be a good boy ya... muuaahhhhhhhh
Mat - aah laa..zaman akak pun lagi laaa..sendiri ingat, sendiri celebrate hehee...Mat ko mmg nmpak muda selalu, kulit tegang je xdan nk kendur eh sebab asyik naik je pipi ko tu...hehe..ampun mat..gurau je!
Kak E - Thanx! Xpa lah kak-e, faham..Ummi pun bz jugak, kdg2 x sempat ronda2 pun..hehe..
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