Source : rnana @ Forum Komuniti Teratak
Ingredients :
- 1/2 cup luke warm water
- 1 egg (large)
- 300 g flour
- 80 g sugar
- 20 g milk powder
- 1 teaspoon instant dried yeast
- 1/2 teaspoon bread softener
- 1/4 teaspoon (heap) bread improver
- 1 tablespoon margarine (*I used butter)
Method : (using Bread Maker)
- Pour the lukewarm water into the bread maker pan. Add in egg.
- Add in flour, sugar, milk powder, instant dried yeast, bread softener and bread improver.
- On the bread maker to Dough setting. (This setting will takes about 1 1/2 hour to finish it's cycle.)
- Once the dough is just combined, add in the margarine. Let the BM continue it's process.
- After about 1 1/2 hour, remove the dough from the pan and divide to 63g each. Make into round balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
- Grease a 9 x 9 inch pan with margarine and coat with a bit of flour. Remove the access flour.
- Shape the balls again and place them in the prepared tin. Wrap the tin and let the dough prove again. (Actually, according to rnana, the original recipe calls for a 2 hours proving. So I guess, it's a good thing I had forgotten about the dough in the first place! Hahaha)
- When the dough is double the size, bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 20 to 25 minutes.
- Once out of the oven, brush with margarine for a shiny effect.
k.ummiiii...kita pun suka makan roti. kalau bole hari2 nak makan roti. tolong buat untuk ct bole hihihihi.
Hello honey bun sugar pop lollipops... ahakss... tu dah masukkan lollipops sekali ye... aduhai panjangnya nak panggil...
*clap* *clap* *clap* Welcome to the Roti Puan Club. Cuma Mr President je yang lom tahu dah buat ke lom..hehe, sorry ye Bang Rozzan, gurau je. Apa-apa pun, roti ni memang gebu dan enak kan Ummi...
teringat roti pound arwah MIL..memang sedapppp!!!!!
Salam Ummi..wah menggoda betoi roti macam sedap jer bunyi panggilan manja Honey bun...sugar pop lollypops tu....
Ni yg terasa gatai tangan nak menguli lagi ni...!!
salam kak ummi...
Besar gedabak atau kecik kemetot tu bergantung pada saiz org yg buat, kalau saya buat lagi lahh, montoksss gebu, pendek kata "membuak2 laaa..hahahaha...
Salam kak umi.. slalul singgah tapi kali ni baru nk tinggal kan comment.. he he.. saya tak de bread maker uli pakai tgn je bole tak?.. pernah try wat roti sekali.. tak jadi lah.. sedih nyer bole tak akak ajar camne nak bakar and uli...
Salam Kak,
cantek betul roti akak ni...montel²....
looks so delicious!
abis la gulung tikar kedai roti :)
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