Source: Gert (My Kitchen Snippets)
Ingredients: Makes 16 buns
- 375g bread flour (* akak letak 390 gm)
- 100g plain flour
- 35g milk powder
- 75g caster sugar (*akak tambah jadi 85 gm)
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 sachet (7g or 2 1/2 tsp) instant dry yeast
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- 150ml (approx.) lukewarm water – adjust according (I need only 130 ml) (*I used 130 ml)
- 40g butter, cubed
- 4 tbsp Water Roux (see here)
- 1 egg + a bit of water (for egg wash the buns)
- Fit the mixer with the dough hook attachment. Sift bread flour, plain flour, milk powder, caster sugar and salt the mixing bowl. Add in the yeast and mix well. Add in the water roux and beaten egg. Turn on the mixer and slowly add in the lukewarm water until the dough form into a nice ball of dough. (You might not need all the water. I used only 130 ml of it).
- Continue to knead for 10 minutes and add in the butter. Continue to knead until all the butter is incorporated into the dough and the dough is smooth and elastic.
- Take the dough out from the mixing bowl and give it a final few kneading by hand. Form it into a round ball and let it to rise until double in size in a large greased bowl. Cover the bowl with a wet towel or cling wrap (It took me an hour to proof the dough but it all depend on the weather and environment on the day you make the bread)
- Punch down the dough gives it a few knead and divide the dough into 16 equal portions. The easiest way to divide is to cut the dough into 4 parts and from there divide each into another 4 portions. Form each into a ball and let it rest for another 10 minutes.
- Shape again and fill the buns with fillings. Place the buns in baking sheets that line with parchment paper. Cover the buns and let it rise until double in size (it takes another 30-40 min).
- Brush the buns with some egg wash. Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

salam kak ummi...wawawaaa..ini tak bley jadi nihh..kena meroti jugak nampak gayanyaaa...
Wkmsalam...hahaa..ko tu demam, mmg elok la makan bubur silih berganti dengan roti jek...kan, kan..hehe
Beautiful Presentation Ummi, loved the glazed look of your cute click too.
Cantiknya roti Ummi...
ummi, bestnye roti... tak pernah cube lagi wat roti...
ummi, nak tnya, ummi pakai oven apa?? boleh masak untuk kuantiti yg banyak yer???
Salam kak ummi! waduhhhhhh mmg harussss ku godeh2 ini resepi nmpk best giteewwww! i like roti gemuk2 gini :D sib baik orgnyer tak gemok! ahahaha
Jay -
Hehee..thanks for your compliments..just an ordinary pict dear!
MamaFami -
Roti je ke yg cantik Ma..hahahaa (*wat dah muka perasan ni)
Ezanoor -
Boleh la try buat nnt..asalkan ada oven..hehe..Akak guna oven jenama Faber..x tau la besar ke tak..panjang dlm 2 kaki, lebar 1 1/2 kaki camtu la kot..stainless steel dgn penebat haba sekelilingnya...ni mmg khas untuk home business, wayar dia pun gemuk dan sesuai untuk pembakaran yang berterusan agak lama..hehe
Ika -
Wkmsalam...alah tau Ika mesti rajin buatnyaa..esok2 ada la kat dapur tu..hehe
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