Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Old Town White Coffee Bun

Assalamualaikum.....dah minum petang ke...ke duk menebar roti jala...xpun menebar kain nak lipat...xpun menebar badan, santai-santai depan tv...hehheee...Mata akak ni mengantuk pulak duk edit2 gambar ni ha....tp nak masukkan jugak entry nih...xpun kang ada yang kelaparan jenguk sini....hehehhee

Penat jugak la hari ni....x tau laa...agaknya dah menghala ke pertengahan 40an ni kan...cepat jek rasa penat...padahal pagi tadi duk baja2 bunga kat depan tu jek lepas goreng kueteow... Pastu petang ni ada la wat kuih tuk minum petang sikit...malam nnt x tau la nak makan apa... Anak2 akak ni jenis perut x makan sarapan, dah masuk zohor baru nak makan....kira brunch gitu...tu pasal malas nak masak lgk... Petang kang tumis sardin la kot...hahahaa...senang kije.. Apapun jom la jamu mata dengan Old Town White Coffee Bun nih...mmg sedap!! Masa bakar tu adeeeii aroma coffee tuh meresap jek masuk lobang hidungku yang x berapa mancungsss nih...hahahahhaha.... Cepat tul laku...akak wat malam tadi nih... tenghari ni dah linyaaauuuuu...eh liciinnn...hehehee.... Resepi akak adaptasi dari Coffee Bun yg sumbernya dari Mamafami yang terkenal dengan kepakarannya menggeledah dan berkongsi resepi roti, ....Jom layaaannn...Akak mm suka tekstur roti ni..stick to this one...! Akak gandakan adunan...liciiinnn..hehee

Adaptasi dari : Coffee Bun

Ingredients :- (8 buns)
  • 190 gm high protein flour (also can use multipurpose flour)
  • 50 gm sugar
  • 2 g salt
  • 6 g instant dried yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon bread improver
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 50 g fresh milk
  • 12 gm instant coffee (for double ingredient, I mixed 3 tbsp. instant Old Town White Coffee with 3 tbsp. hot water)
  • 1 tbsp. coffee emulco (* I added)
  • 60 gm water roux
  • 1/2 teaspoon cappuchino coffee emulco (I added) - * out of stock
  • 30 gm butter

Method : (Breadmaker (BM) method)

  1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in instant coffee, salt, sugar, egg and water roux.
  2. Top it with sifted flour, dry yeast and bread improver.
  3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
  4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
  5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air.
  6. Cut the dough 35 gm portion each. Make into round balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
  7. Let the air out of the dough and make into round balls again. Arrange in the prepared tin.
  8. Leave to proof till double the size.
  9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 25 minutes or so.
  10. Once out of the oven, brush with butter.
Ni coffee perisa hazelnut yg akak gunakan, buat air pun mmg sedaaaappp...hehe


  1. Salam kak! aaarrrghhhhhh..asal dtg sini rasa nak marah jerrrr! wakakakaka... menci arr tgk roti gemuk2 mcm tuuuu.. kita tgh malas lagi nak meroti ni kak.. huh! antorlah sebungkus dua ke siam roti gemuk tu ya :D

  2. Ummi....

    canti2 n comel2 roti....molek je bun2 tu...jelezzznya kak cek....lama jugak dah tak buat projek meroti...lum sampai seru lagi...he he he :)

  3. k.ummi...hadoiii...ni yg x thn nengok..cam terbau2 jer aroma coffee tu ke rmh dyg...hehe. Tepung roti ade lg..tp kene tunggu virus 'R' dululah... :D

  4. Ijayuji -
    Wkmsalam Ika...uiks kena tepis ni, takut kena piat tinger akak ni lgk..hehee...Ika cayang, roti dah licin..akak nak wat semula lak rasanya..sedap bebenor laaa..hehhee (*saja2 nak goda niii..hehe)

    Cik Cek -
    Xda la cumil mana pun..setakat lepas nganga masuk molot jek..hehehe..tunggu seru meroti dulu la eh..

    DJ Dayang -
    Alalallaa Dayang ooiii..xpa simpan dulu bahan..tunggu virus R serang eh..hehe..

  5. zura ada beli coffee oldtown tu masa Jom Heboh Kuantan baru nie.. RM10 sebungkus.. sedap sgt wat air.. tp lom cuba wat roti.. malasnyer nk uli.. akak guna BM erk?..

  6. kak ummi petang2 cenggini dapat seketoi dua coffe bun tuh cicah ngan teh o..alangkah nikmatnya..byk gumuklah itu roti..

  7. akak..macam tahu jerk mas tengah memikir nk meroti apa.....
    try roti ni lak lah....
    bestnya tengok...

  8. Bau Kopi tu tentu harum ... ni sampai ke sini baunya..hujan ni..cicah ngan kopi sedapnyer

  9. kak ummmi.. nampak lembut roti tu menawan.. nak try la

  10. alaaaaaaa kak ummi...kena g beli old town white coffee lah nampak gaya ni....tergodaaaaa sgt ni tau! macam boleh bau sampai sini tau....huhu

  11. Salam kak..

    Wah2 mau ke Kuantan la..ada Old Town cafe ek kat sana tu..hehehehehe
    cedappnyaaa...nnti klu kita sampai Kauntan ptg..Kak Ummi buat yek..hehehehehe

  12. waaaaaaaaaaaa....pestime ni saya tengok roti homemade yang begitu menggoda~~~

  13. rindunyer kak old townn!!!!!! tempat lepak feveret tu.. kalau dpt mkn roti kak ummi ni, mesti ilang sket rindu kn =)

  14. bestnyer roti..mesti bau semerbak kan akak..kat rumah saya mmg minum kopi Old town hazelnut ni..bila bancuh, satu rumah bau harum... waaa.. esok projek roti bolehlah cuba !!!
