Monday, July 19, 2010

Oatmeal Bread

Hari Sabtu kelmarin, akak buat roti paling senang dalam dunia nih...hahahaa..xyah nak uli-uli tepung, carik2 tepung, canai-canai tepung....ini jenis roti main tepuk2 manja jek...hahahha...Kepada penggemar oats bolehla cuba. Roti ni jenis padat, kena sebijik tuh mmg kenyang....Tp akak punya ni sekadar menghabiskan oat yang x seberapa belennya tuh...nak tabur2 atas roti pun xda laaa...Resepi koleksi Sarah Gilbert ni akak intai dari Sini....Jom layaannn....akak wat bekfes di pagi minggu gak nih, suka lembut peroiii gitu, sesekali makan roti camni...ala-ala minah saleh gitu...makan dengan Baked Eggs...

OATMEAL BREAD (akak buat half dari adunan, dpt 4 biji paper cups tu...)


2 cups whole milk

½ cup warm water (about 100 degrees)
1 cup oats

Tbsp. yeast

tsp. sea salt

1 egg

½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

½ cup honey

cups flour (any mix of whole wheat and unbleached white)


  1. Place oats in a large mixing bowl. Bring milk just to the boiling point, watching carefully. Pour the milk over the oats. Let sit 1 to 2 hours, depending on how coarse your oats are.
  2. Mix yeast and warm water in a small bowl until yeast dissolves. Mix yeast, water, and all remaining ingredients in with the oat/milk mixture.
  3. In two greased loaf pans or on a piece of floured parchment paper, gently form dough into loaves with wet hands. Let sit at room temperature for about one hour.
  4. Heat oven to 350 degrees, using baking stone if you have one. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until bread is hard when you tap on top crust. Remove from oven and enjoy.
senang nak buat, semudah 1, 2, 3, 4...hehehee

doh yang telah naik setelah diperap 1 jam..sebelum dibakar


  1. Salam windu bangetttt kat akak! ehehe... nak tapau sume2 ok :D mekaseh doanyer ya kita aminkan jerr ;-) akak sihat ke? lama tulllllllll tak jalan2, bila dah mula jalan2 dr td tak bgn2 ni hihihi.... pe pun akak pun jg diri k ;-)

  2. salam..k.ummi, oats kat umah kitorang byk lg neh....

  3. Dear Ummi,
    Hope u doing great...!
    Lovely recipe with delicious click once again dear.

  4. Mi...

    Nak 2 ketul, buat cicah dengan kopi o, mesti sedap nih!

  5. oitt ika.. mana leh tapau suma. habis aku tadak?? *sekeh paler ika..

    nak jugakkk kak ummi

  6. salam ummi :) bl lg nak bt bfast cengini..leh tumpang skali :D

  7. Ika -
    Wkmsalam Ika..mmg laa rindu nk tgk entry2 Ika tauuu...jgn lama2 cuti eh..nnt dah setel semua terus on9 tauu...muaahhhh, nak roti tu pi amik bwh tudung saji eh..

    Azila -
    Wkmsalam..hahaa..elok sgt la tuh..membesar bagai johan (*eh Ben) dgn oats! hahaha...

    Jay -
    Hi..thanks Jay..hahaa, just an amateur clicks...hehehe

    MamaFaMi -
    Nak 2 ketuiii, habis ke Ma, ummi makan seketuii pun kenyang sgt2 dah tu...padat roti tuh..

    Jiya -
    Huk alaa..berebut pulak budak nih! Nah la amik sorang seketuii..pi main jauh2..kaco jek org nak masak nih..hehehe

    Deliah -
    Alahaaiii anytime...senang nk buat roti tepuk2 manja gini..xyah uli langsung..hahahah

  8. nk tanya .. brp byk oat yg digunakan?

  9. Effah, sori akak tertinggal taip..1 cawan oats guna yeaa..hehehe
