Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baked Eggs

Ni lah sarapan akak 2 beranak pagi minggu nih, bila hb xda ni, mulalah masak pun nak acikelat jek..hahahaa...sungguh mudah dan sedaaappp teramat! Buat dua bekas ni...Aiman tibaii sebekas then mintak separuh lgk akak punya...budak nih! Sendawa kenyang dia sebelum akak hantar pegi tusyen pg td.....Memang terasa lemaknya dengan ditambah whippping cream sebelum dibakar.....Resepi oleh Chef Jenn Louis, akak terjumpa Sini ...tapi akak x letak la buah zaitun semua tuh...mana nak ku cari, tergempak je buat nih..hehheee...translate sendiri la yea..sempoi jek tuuu...Atas permintaan Ayu, akak translate gak la resepi ni..hehehe

Sumber: di Sini


large eggs (2 biji telor saiz L)

3 Tbsp. whipping cream (2 sudu besar krim putar)

2 castelvetrano olives, pit removed and each olive torn into 2 or 3 pieces (*buah zaitun, buang kulit dan belah 2 atau 3 bahagian)

~ Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste (garam dan lada hitam yg ditumbuk secukup rasa)

3 Tbsp. toasted breadcrumbs (homemade; see Note)(3 sudu besar serbuk roti yg dipanggang kekuningan)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees convection, or 375 conventional. (Panaskan oven pada suhu 350 degrees (*akak set 180 darjah C)
  2. Crack 2 eggs into a gratin dish, being careful not to break the yolks. Drizzle on the cream, scatter bits of olive around the eggs, and season to taste with freshly ground pepper and kosher salt. (Pecahkan telor ke dalam bekas tahan panas, hati2 agar kuning telor tidak pecah. Tuang rata perlahan2 krim putar, letak beberapa titis minyak zaitun di sekeliling telor, tabur garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa)
  3. Bake about 6 minutes, or until the white is set and yolks are very loose. (The dish will continue to cook once it’s out of the oven.). Bakar selama 6 minit atau sehingga putih telor masak tetapi kuning telor dibiarkan sedikit lembik (bekas tahan panas biasanya akan bertahan lama haba panas dan telor masih boleh masak matang di luar oven)
  4. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the top of each dish. Serve hot. (Taburkan dengan serbuk roti yang dipanggang tadi di atas permukaan telor dan sedap dimakan ketika telor masih panas2)

Here’s how Jenn makes bread crumbs: Remove the crust from a loaf of ciabatta and tear the bread into 1/2- to 1-inch cubes. Toss with olive oil and a little salt, then toast on a sheet pan at 350 degrees, until dry. Crush with the back of a pan and run through a coarse sieve to eliminate any large pieces. Add some chopped thyme...(*akak guna jek ready-made breadcrumbs tuh..)

Disebabkan akak makan sebiji jek bake egg tuh, akak tapau la perut akak dengan roti oats nih...resepinya later k..

sebelum dibakar...


  1. wahhh.. zura suka makan telur.. xpecially kalu lembik2 gitu.. huhuhuh.. nk wat laa nnti.. jelesssssssssss...

  2. Uish, love wanna breakfast here la kak! :D

  3. kak... leh bg in malay dak? :D
