Friday, March 26, 2010

Soft Tender Burger Bun

Weeee mmg soft gilerrr bun nih....Thanks to Jun yang rajin sungguh menggali-gali resepi...sangat puas hati....Ada citer gak sebalik kejadian roti nih...Mula2 tengok resepi kena uli tangan...pastu nk masuk dlm BM dah mcam x reti sebab biasanya kalau guna BM mst letak bahan cair ikut cara dia, dah ada campur cairan kat bahan tertentu berasingan la pulak...akak pun campur dulu ikut step 1 - 3, pastu igt nak senang masuk pulak dlm BM...alamak bila keluar mmg lembut sesangat, xleh nk pegang or uli pun...jadi akak campur baki tepung dan tambah sikit2 lagi, uli atas darat la pulak...wakakaa...apapun small matter...kena pandai tackle problem kata orang kan, kan..hehehe...xpa lenkali masuk je dlm BM ikut peraturan BM je ler...Apapun, amat puashati!! Thanks to Jun...muaaahhh...Ummi C n P je ya Jun..


Ingredients:- (12 buns)
  • 1 Cup warm water
  • 1 Tsp sugar
  • 1 Tbls. dry yeast
  • 3/4 Cup warm milk
  • 4 Tbls. sugar
  • 1/4 Cup shortening - Melted
  • 1 1/2 Tsp salt
  • 4 Cups Bread Flour, Reserving
  • ½ Cup1 egg white
  • 1 Tsp. water
  • 1 Tbls. sesame seeds


  1. Proof the yeast in 1 cup warm water with 1 teaspoon sugar; let sit for 10 minutes until foamy.
  2. Using a mixer, and a large bowl add in 3-1/2 cups flour, 4 tablespoons sugar, melted Crisco, warm milk and salt.
  3. Add in the proofed yeast; mix to create a soft semi-sticky dough, adding in reserved flour as needed (do not add in too much as it will create a heavy bun, dough should be semi-sticky.
  4. Knead dough for about 10 minutes. Remove dough, and let rest on the counter, cover with a clean dish towel for 10 minutes (this is an important step!).
  5. Knead the dough gently for 30 seconds with hands. Place dough in a large well-greased, oiled bowl. Cover, and let rise in a warm spot for 1 to 1½ hours, or until double in size.
  6. Punch down dough. Shape into large balls, and place on a large greased cookie sheet (you should get 12 balls on the sheet).
  7. Cover with a light clean towel, and let rise in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, or until almost doubled .
  8. Preheat the oven at 375°F.
  9. In a small bowl, mix together 1 egg white with 1 tsp water; whisk, and mix well. Carefully brush the tops and sides of the buns with the egg mixture.
  10. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

tengoklah kedutssss-kedutsss tu..lembut tentunya!!! ^__^


  1. Itulah Ummi...darling tu dah belikan BM nak kasi senang kerja, dia naakkkkk gak buat kerja susah... hihihi...

  2. Hehe...saja suka nak kasi challenging sikit...ateee nk kata apa lg...tangan ni gatal2 gak rindu nk uli, nak membesarkan muscle ke apa ke! Lg pun, no harm! Heheee..

  3. memang lama sgt ct x buat roti kat umah...apa kata ct mintak k.ummi jer lah ya... :D
