Friday, February 12, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cake

Hari Rabu malam kelmarin akak merajinkan diri ler bakar kek ni...Dah tau, anak2 akan balik jumaat ni sempena Chinese New Year + semester break...Ni pun Najiha dah balik tengahari semalam...Jadi nak kudap apapun xda ni...Lalu ku bakar le kek yang dah terkenal seantero dapur ni haaa...akak je yang baru nak try...ramai yg dah try...wallaaahhh..dah la senang, sedap yang akak suka ni..xyah nk keluarkan mixer berbagaiiii...hehee...memang puashati...lembab dan kaya dengan coklat, pisang pun xdalah terasa byk sangat, sebab anak2 pun x suka sgt pisang..hehe, pastu adunan ni oklah untuk family ramai cam akak ni....sapa x try lagi, better buat....Resepi asal dari Joy of Baking dan akak C & P je dari dapur MamaFaMi. Jemput makan Ma...hehe

Source : Joy of Baking

Ingredients :
  • 2 cups (400 grams) granulated white sugar
  • 1 3/4 cups (245 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup (75 grams) cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 medium sized bananas) - i used pisang lemak manis
  • 1 cup (240 ml) warm water
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) safflower or canola oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence

Method :

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place rack in the center of the oven.
  2. Butter, or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, a 9 x 13 inch (23 x 33 cm) pan. (*I used non-stick ring pan as picture below). Set aside.
  3. In a large bowl whisk together the sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
  4. In another large bowl, whisk together the eggs, mashed bananas, water, milk, oil, and vanilla extract.
  5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir, or whisk, until combined. You will notice that the batter is quite thin.
  6. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 35 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
  7. Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. When completely cooled, frost with the Ganache.
(I didn't do this but just for my notes, I'll just paste it here as well) - akak pun x buat, lenkali laa..hehe
  • 8 ounces (227 grams) semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, cut into small pieces
  • 3/4 cup (180 ml) heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon (14 gram) unsalted butter

Garnish : (optional)Dried banana chips

Method :

Place the chopped chocolate in a medium sized stainless steel, or heatproof bowl. Set aside. Heat the cream and butter in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil. Immediately pour the boiling cream over the chocolate and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Stir until smooth. When Ganache has completely cooled, beat until soft and fluffy. Then spread the frosting on top of the cake. Can garnish with dried banana chips.


  1. Salam Kak..
    Wahhhh gebussss nya choc kek akak ni...geram tengok...

  2. alamakk! semua org dah buat kek pisang nih! nak buat jugaklah! tgh blur nih nk carik menu utk jamuan esok! dak kicit merengek jerk plak tuh! huhuhu

  3. Alang-alang dah hidang untuk ma kek cekelat tu, hidang ler sekali neskepe ke teh susu ke... tak pun, iced coffee... hehehe... terlebih sudahhhh

  4. cantiknya kak ummi!!! kat umah ada belen pisang gak. klu rajin esok nk buat lah!!!

  5. Uiks, ajak mama je? kite nih cemane kak ummi? hehehe
    memang best kek inih. kite dok ulang buat gak dulu. faiz pon kemain suke :)
