Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Burger Lof Daging (Meat Loaf Burger)

Taraaa...sempoiii habis dah lah bekal Aiman ke sekolah pagi tadi, kebetulan burger bun yang akak beli kat Giant hari tu ada lagi 4 ketul, so akak sumbatkan la dengan lof daging ni dalam burger bun tuh..letak segala sayuran, slice cheese, sos cili and mayonis segala....siap!! 2 ketul dia bawak ke sekolah...amik ko! Feedbacknya, bila balik sekolah tadi dia cakap lof tu sedap sangat...kawan dia yang rasa pun cakap sedap...heheee...xpa nnt mak buat lg k...sinang keje..xyah la nak goreng2 burger lain dah...wat naik bau kat baju mak jek..hehe...


  1. Hello Ummi, Waaa, ni kena buka mulut macham duduk kerusi dentist...
    Can you make two for me please, without tomatos...
    daging lebeh sikit, and ada HP sauce?
    Ha ha, I think I can hear you mumble, "adoi, this uncle Lee very lecheh person", ha ha ha.

    I think maybe, malu nak chakap, but looking at the gambar, 3 will do fine with me. Ada iced coffee? Ha ha.
    You have a nice day, Ummi and simpan satu lagu dalam hati, Lee.

  2. Wah Ummi tak kan wat untuk Pok Cik Lee jer...kawan2 pun nak jugak..tak lah sampai 3...he must have a big belly macam Santa Clause...hohoho...harap2 dia tak patah balik baca komen ni...!
    Lari..,.sembunyi...!Sebelum tu..nak burger seketoi!!

  3. Uncle Lee - problem maaa..3 will make you tdo sampai pagi kekenyangan Lee..But with iced coffee, sure you'll stay fresh till late at night..haha..You don't like tomatoes? youngest like tomatoes very much..he can even eat on its own..hahaa...Thanks for dropping by and I'll keep a song in my heart, always!!

    Watie -
    Haha..Nanti Lee cari and ask for Watie, I'll make my donno face la Watie..wakakaa..kelakor Watie ni..(*psst - Lee jaga perut dia tau, no belly punyer..hehe)..Eh Watie, sembunyi bwh katil ke..mana pulak ni..hehe
