Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chocolate Cheese Muffins

Dah lama x me"muffin" malam kelmarin sambil BM tu me"roti" (ish, ish, perosak bahasa sungguh la sejak akhir2 ni) akak wat satu projek ni pulak...terasa tekak nak makan muffin bila tengok Zana tayang kat dapur dia, resepi asal dari dapur Along Roz,...alahaiii sedap la pulak tengok..rupanya lagi sedap makan...ekekeke...jemput minum petang semua...Akak mintak izin copy-paste je ya Zana..
Bahan:- (16 biji muffin spt cups di atas)
  • 80 gm mentega*
  • 60 gm gula halus*
  • 150 gm cooking chocolate*
  • 5 keping slice cheese /cheddar cheese*
  • 2 biji telur
  • 1 sk esen vanila
  • 2 sk baking powder**
  • 100 gm tepung gandum** (**ayak bersama)
  • hirisan badam utk hiasan


  1. Panaskan oven 180 C
  2. Satukan bahan * dan cairkan menggunakan kaedah 'double-boiler' sehingga cair n sebati. Angkat dan sejukan sebentar.
  3. Kacau telur + esen vanila sekadar meratakan putih n kuning dan masukkan ke dalam 2 dan kacau sebati (guna senduk atau wisk)
  4. Masukkan tepung n kacau secara kaup balik.. jangan over kacau ek..
  5. Masukkan adunan ke dlm paper cup n hias dgn badam
  6. Bakar selama 25 minit 180 C (*akak bakar selama 18 - 20 minit sj pd suhu 175C - ikut oven masing2 la ya..)


  1. dah ler baru pas ujan... tgh lapor nieh... tgk lar muffin gebu2 nie.. adusss...

  2. sedap nmpk, kena cuba ni.....

  3. ummi ni wat pe pun mesti e-na terliur tau...masuk list dulu la resepi muffin ni..

  4. alaaaaaa k.ummi pong dh buat jugak!! nak nakkkk!! ala seketui jerk tkpe kan kan! ngee ngeee

  5. sedap ekh..????nak gak le seketui dua!!!

  6. Salam...

    KakUmmi.. kat mana nak dapat cup utk muffin tu? kat supermarket yg saya pi.. semua yg biasa..


  7. slm ummi..marbeles muffin u ni..dgn cup2nya sekali marbeles..nak watlah hari ahad ni akak nak ke Pekan jumpe anak dara ..mesti dia suke ni..tq ummi bg ideaa..

  8. Bintangku -
    owh ya ke..sedap makan muffin dgn kopi O/milo O panas nih bila hujan2 camni kan..

    Jue -
    Memang rasa sedap tu..kna try sndiri laa..hehe

    E-na Zarina -
    Hehe..ya kee? Thanks..masuk list jgn x masuk..hehe

    Hana -
    Ambooiiih ko teringin belaka dah eh..nah la sejuring je, xleh mkn byok2 kang kembang badan..ahakss!

    Ain -
    Hehe..x tau la sedap ke x..nk bg pun dah licin..hehe, sedap pd tekak akak nih!

    Payarumput -
    Cuba pegi kedai jual brg2 baking, bese byk pilihan situ..

    Nor64 -
    Memang sedap muffin nih..very chocolaty..elok sgt la tu..mst anak dara Nor suka..

  9. Hello Ummi, may I have the next dance with you? Ha ha, ha.
    At last you have surfaced, macham submarine...and I was getting the scent of a woman at was you tip toe to my pondok, ha ha.
    Wa, you can dance, can cook, can make cakes, not to mention, ahemmm, a traffic stopper attractive lady too, *wink*.

    Ada lagi ke your this chocolate muffins? I think 4 pieces boleh jadi with me, with iced coffee please, ha ha.
    Saya ta'malu dimana ada good food or cakes nak makan, ha ha...I invite myself.

    Ummi, once again, terima kaseh for at last gracing my pondok.
    You have a nice day and bila masak ikan tenggiri assam pedas hantar saya telegram, Lee.

  10. Ummi, tadi I tengok your gambar I lupa nak tell you this...
    if you got nothing better to do, check out on this Canadian TV sitcom, called 'The little Mosque on the Prairie'.. on your Youtube.

    It is produced and directed by a Canadian Muslim lady, as well actors also apart from the Mat Sallehs, Canadian Muslims.

    This TV comedy series is really hilarious, and one of the most watched TV programs here as well in USA...

    It is about Muslims being sterotyped as wife beaters, bomb laying crooks whatever, poking fun at themselves as well at others....

    It is a real funny, hilarious, pechah perut comedy show...of the misunderstandings between Muslims and non-Muslims, but all in good fun and humour.
    It is one of the most talked about TV sitcoms here and very popular with everyone.
    Let me know when you see it. Lee.

  11. Baru tgk cheese muffin ni kat umah Ika jugak... aduii...bile la nak buat.heheh :)

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