Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pandan Swiss Roll

Weekend baru ni ada rasa terlebih rajin sikit..hehee...Dah lama x buat swiss roll, so duk explore sana sini nak cari resepi yang simple dan semestinya sedap...Nampak resepi ni kat dapur Gert ...layaaann...Gert, just C & P from you, thanks a lot dear...Really soft and moist...!! I ate a huge slice too..hehe
Ingredients :
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp of emulsifier (ovalet)
  • 3 tbsp of water
  • 1/3 cup of melted butter
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp of pandan paste
Filling :
  • Some Kaya (egg custard) or strawberry jam

  1. Pre-heat oven t0 350 degree F. Light grease a swiss roll tin (10 x 14" ) and line with some parchment paper.
  2. Combined eggs, flour, sugar, emulsifier, water, vanilla and beat on high speed until mixture is white and fluffy.
  3. Turn off mixer and slowly fold in the melted butter. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Remove about 1 cup of mixture and add in the pandan paste.
  5. Pour the white mixture into the baking pan and spread it out evenly.
  6. Put a few dollop of the pandan mixture on of the white mixture and bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until lightly brown.
  7. Take out the cake and cool down for 5 minutes before turning it out on a parchment paper. Roll it up while its still warm and leave it to cool down completely.
  8. When is cool, unroll it and then spread some kaya or jam on it. Roll the cake up again, cut and serve.


  1. Oh, cantik and gebu swiss roll you Ummi. I lupa bawak balik ovalet from Malaysia so tak dapat buat swiss roll for the time being :(

  2. Gert - Thanks for sharing the recipe..really soft..Dah lama x buat swiss roll..mengelupas gak kulitnya sbb terlalu lama gulung sebelum letak filling tu..(*i asyik kat dpn desktop hehe...tp x cacat laa..Would roll it again shortly, maybe it will turn out more perfect..haha.., O kat sana xda ovalet ke Gert? :D

  3. nmpk sedap la swiss roll ni.. nak cikit kak ummi pos ker kk ni eh.

  4. Teramat jelitanya swiss roll pandan mu itewww..... bikin daku tirguda....

  5. Halen - memang sedap dan senang nk buat la Halen..Kalau pos nnt harus dah berkulat Halen dapat..lagi la tersiksa x dpt makan..try laa..

    MamaFaMi - Mama...ooo aku tergoda, aku terkecewa..ahakss!! Nyanyi2 sikit kasi Mama cool..hehe..Alah mama, senang je nk buat tu..cuma bab mengroll tu yang ada pedih hati sikit..hahaha..kena berlembut mcm layan puteri *wink..!

  6. Ummi, sini tak jual ovalet so kena bawak dari Malaysia :)

  7. cantiknyerr sroll ummi!!
    cantik sgt2 corak dia...terpegun tgk..

  8. Gert - Oo...sian u...nanti kena import ke sana byk2 sikit eh..

    Shima - Cantik ke..hehe..xda la sgt..tp yg penting pada akak, nak buat senang dan rasa sedap..kan, kan..

  9. hi kak ummi,
    saya blog walking mencari resepi swiss roll pandan dan jumpe resepi kak ummi ni. Just nk confirm, campur telur gula tepung bagai --> sekali gus ek ??
