Monday, April 11, 2011

Awards Given By Love

First of all, thanks so very Love for all these lovely awards... I love it!! Sorry akak baru sempat nak ambik....puas cari lori nak sewa angkut balik award ni tau Love..hehehe...I put that Cute Little Chef Award above of all because the words are so meaningful to me, right? I liiiikkkeeee...hehehe....Next time, do remember me again k! wahahahhaa..muka x malu kan..

this one also cute...

Again n again....tq so much Love....Luv u....muaaaahhhhhh!!!


  1. Salam kunjungan.. singgah la ke blog saya ;)

  2. Thank you so much for accepting the awards kak! You deserved them all! ;)

    Sure kak, you'll be on my mind always...

  3. assalam ummi, saya folo ummi walaupun dh terlewat tapi dh lama kenal

  4. kak..

    akak mmg layak taw dpt award2 nie :)

    sedap jer tengok masakan akak :)

  5. Congratulations! Kerana dapat awards tu sumer. Mesti masakan Ummi best2 belaka.

    Keep up the good job ;)
