Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fruity Braided Bread

Salam akak just nak masukkan entry tertunda banyak hari sangat2 laaa disebabkan macam2 hal yang diharungi seminggu nih...alhamdulillah semuanya dah kembali normal la rasanya...Bekal masa anak2 nak balik ke U jugak ni dulu...masing2 bawak balik satu bongkah besar roti nih..hehehee...akak pun buat 2 adunan, masuk dalam BM dan siap uli jek, akak keluarkan letak dalam bekas besar lg laa...kalau biar dlm BM tuh, mau naik melekat kat penutup BM layan je la eh cuma nak bagitau ada tersilap step sikit, masa uli tu lupa nak masukkan dried fruits tu...hehe, last2 akak uli2 sikit kat papan pencanai dan bulatkan kembali doh dan biarkan ia naik....Cuma bab nak mentocang tuh, akak pintal2 je laaa...suka hati u all la eh..Resepi hasil skodeng dari dapur Gert @ My Kitchen Snippets...Gert, pls allow me to share the recipe here and thank you so much! Lembut dan sedap!

Recipe : Gert
Referred by: Ummi @ Home Sweet Home


  • 350 g flour
  • 40g sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 7 g yeast
  • 170ml fresh milk
  • 1 egg
  • 45 g butter
  • 1 ½ cups of dried fruits (raisins, cranberry, dried cherry) (*i used raisins and dried strawberry)
Glaze (lightly beaten together)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp fresh milk
  • Some almond flakes
  • 1 tbsp of sugar
  1. Combine sifted flour, sugar, salt and yeast in a mixing bowl.
  2. Mix well beat egg in milk, add slowing add it into the flour until it form a soft dough.
  3. Mix in butter and continue to beat until the dough is smooth. If at this stage the dough is a bit wet add a tbsp of flour.
  4. Add in all the dried fruits and nuts and mix well.
  5. Cover mixing bowl with a damp tea towel. Leave aside in a warm place in the kitchen for an hour or until double in size.
  6. Remove dough from the mixing bowl onto a lightly floured tabletop.
  7. Knead lightly then divide into 3 equal portions.
  8. Roll each portion into a strip 30cm long. Lay them side by side then gather the ends of the strips together and weave into a braid. Bring both ends of the braid together and make into a loop.
  9. Put it on a greased baking tray and cover with cling film. Let it rise for another 40 minutes until doubled in size.
  10. Brush lightly with egg wash and sprinkle with almond flakes and sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degree F for 35-40 minutes or golden brown.


  1. Salam Kak Ummi > Ada Simpankan Utk Lin Tak?

  2. rotii..nmpk gebu dan lembut la kak...

  3. ya ampun...gebu....pelbagai aksesory pulak tu..

    kak ummi..nak sepotong.....

  4. Salam kak ummi..
    Ahamdulillah Aiman dah sihat ye..
    Ummi dia pun dah boleh kencang semula di dapur..

  5. Mr Mama -
    Sedap dicicah kopi O hujan2 nih..hehe

    LinRosly -
    Wkmsalam..hehe..dah habis pun Lin, anak2 bawak belaka...lenkali eh..

    Deliah -
    Wkmsalam..hehe, mmg x mampu ditolak..tarik pinggan n cicah dgn kopi O..hehe

    Nazrah -
    Wkmsalam...kalau nak tau sedap ke x, kena la buat kan..

    Mas -
    Betuii, betuii, betuiiii..

    Citarasa Rinduan -
    Hehe...mmg gebus..dah licin la Ayu oii..anak2 bwk blk ke U haritu..

    Naz -
    Wkmsalam...aah, alhamdulillah..emaknya pulak yg kena selsema nih..x la laju sgt kat dapur..bisa badan lak rasa..

    Yan -
    Hehe, sori dah licin la Yan..pi la uli eh..
