Saturday, May 15, 2010

Condensed Milk Cake

Got this recipe from Gert and it was really nice....Likewise Gert, it reminds me to my mom's recipe too, she quite often used condensed milk. Gert is true when saying that this cake had a great fragrant while baking. So soft and just nice to eat and a bit moist after overnight...cicah teh o pun best....jom layannnnn....Actually the real recipe named as Condensed Milk Pound Cake, but i just poured the batter into a round pan...heheee....Gert, thanks for sharing and hope you don't mind me to C n P the recipe here...Jom semua makan kek petang ni...

Source : Gert

Ingredients: (* I used 8 in. round pan)

  • 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
  • 100 gram of sugar
  • ½ cup condensed milk
  • 5 eggs
  • 250 grams flour
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ½ tsp salt
  1. Prepared a baking pan (loaf or an 8” round). Grease well and line it with parchment paper. Pre-heat the oven to 325 degree F.
  2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in egg, one at a time until well incorporated.
  3. Add in the condensed milk, vanilla and mixed well.
  4. Sift flour, salt and baking powder. Slowly add the flour into the batter. Mix well.
  5. Pour the batter in to the baking pan, give the baking pan a few knocks on the working counter (take out the air bubbles) and bake for 50-60 minutes or until golden brown.
For the chocolate swirl, take 4 tablespoon of the batter and mix it with 2 tbsp of dark coco powder. Put some white. batter to the baking pan, add in the chocolate batter and top it up with the balance of the white batter. Take a knife and make a few swirls to the batter. (*haha...akak punya x swirl sangat ponggg...)


  1. salam kak ummi...wowwww...mcm sedap jee kek ni..rasa dia mcm mana kak, tak manis sangat ek...terguda saya,

  2. Thanks Ummi for trying this. I memang suka kek ni especially the second day. I think it taste so much better :)

  3. Salam K.Ummi
    Cantiknya kek akak, tergoda di buatnya...nak cuba jugalah...kalau jadi nnti, Yatie beritahu ya dan ajak akak mkn kek sekali kat rumah Yatie...itu pun kalau akak sudilah....

  4. Mat Gebu -
    Aah Mat mmg sedap la wat minum dgn teh O, lemak berkrim dan kurang manis..bessshhh

    ICook4Fun -
    Gert, it's really nice and i liiiikkeee...thanks for sharing Gert..muaahhh!

    Sari Yusa -
    Ha, pi cepat pukul kek, sempoi sgt tu..

    Yatie -
    Haha..ajak makan? Tu yang sedap dengar tuh..pi balik buat cepat, siap nnt panggil je akak dtg eh..hehe
