Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teriyaki Chicken (With Sauce) - Resepi II

Resepi dari Rasa Malaysia, amat sempoi dan akak adjust je dengan bahan yg ada...takda la stok 'mirin' n 'sake' jepun pnyer tuh...akak tukar je dgn cuka biasa, sos tiram dan sos plum sikit...amat sedap!! Ni sekadar nak menghabiskan peha ayam yg tinggal banyak tu jek lgk..hehe..Aiman yg tibai banyak...hb n akak hentam kari kepala ikan dan amik cipuuut jek ayam ni...Lebihan sos dari kuali tu akak tuangkan je atas ayam ni...beeessttt!! Aiman cam nak jilat kuali la pulak..wakakaa...Sapa nak try dan ada bahan2 tu, ikut je la resepi kat bawah ni ya...Cuma ayam akak tu hitam sikit ler sosnya yaaa..sebab dah tukar bahan...hehehee, apapun sodaappp!!

  • 300g deboned chicken thighs
  • 1 tbsp sake (akak tukar dengan cuka biasa)
  • 4 tbsp soya sauce
  • 4-5 tbsp mirin (akak letak 2 sb sos plum + 2 sb. sos tiram)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil


  1. In a bowl, put in sake, soya sauce, mirin and sugar. Mix well and marinate the chicken in it for about 20 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan, brown both sides of the chicken thighs and leave until cooked.
  3. Pour in the teriyaki sauce that was used to marinate chicken in the pan and continue to cook until the chicken has glazed and covered the chicken.
  4. Remove the pan from heat, serve on a plate and drizzle any remaining sauce from the frying pan.
  5. Serve the teriyaki chicken with boiled rice or salad leaves.


  1. OMG, this is looking seriously delicious!!! ;) yummmmm!

  2. Salam Kak Ummi,
    Rinduuu nye ai kat yuu. akak sihat ke? berderetan menu best best terlepas ni.... ayam ni pon kemain lagik posing.rasa mau ku ratah ratah aje..heheh....
    Lagi satu, terliur bebenar nengokkan ayam ala kassim kat bawah sinun... nama pon kemain lagi.hehe.. kasim jugak yang glamer ye dak.hehhee...

  3. huwaaaaa...tergoda tengok ayam terriyaki kak ummi!!!! nakkkkk!!!!

    psst...cream cheese ciffon kek ada lagi tak kak..??nak jugakkkk!!!!

  4. salam kak ummi, if takde sos plum bley ganti ngan apa ek? sy ni duk luar m'sia, bahan terhad yg ada pun..tak boh ok ke?tak cacat kan rasa dia?
